- The data controller is FRANZONI MARCO, whose contact details are available on the Contact page.
- The staff members are classified as persons in charge of processing (“authorized persons” according to the current EU Reg. 2016/679 c.d. GDPR).
- With regard to this website, no personal data are processed, with the exception of the automatic processing of the system and platform – the so-called computer “tracking” – whose details are better described in the section of this page dedicated to “Cookies” and do not depend on direct processing and will of the Firm but are automatic during the consultation of the site. The platform is respectful of privacy and data protection legislation in a broad sense, in line with current technical standards; the processing is in fact limited to the purposes described below.
- Registrations to this site, through the use of the functions of the platform (including the box for entering the e-mail) are left to the free discretion of the individual concerned who can proceed to register through his account or by entering the e-mail address on which he will receive a message to approve the registration. This function is implemented in the platform and has the sole purpose of automatically notifying the interested parties of the news that are published on the pages of this website.
- In case of registration for one of our course, we will only process the data necessary for the purpose of regular participation in the course and consequent release of the certificate (archived together with teaching material, any recordings, photos and videos).
- As regards the service deduced in the professional mandate with the Company, the processing concerns common data and company data, while any information relating to particular data (sensitive, judicial, etc. as defined in EU no. 679/2016) are not normally processed by Studio Lodi dr. Luca who, however, can become aware of this kind of information for the correct performance of the professional assignment conferred and which are kept secret in compliance with the law. An exception is the hypothesis of particular data (sensitive or judicial) relating to advice on occupational safety, as part of the technical support provided or if it receives a mandate for expert opinions and judicial assistance: even in this case the processing is limited to the essential information with respect for confidentiality. The Customer, to whom specific information is communicated directly in the professional assignment contract, is aware and expressly authorizes that the data may be included in documents, software and databases in use by the Consultant and his collaborators even if kept by third parties and / or owned by them, in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 (as long as in force, but with a useful address even after) and EU Reg. no. 679/2016 (in force since 25/05/18) according to principles of lawfulness, relevance, non-excess.
This type of treatment is therefore for service reasons; the knowledge of other information does not in itself constitute a “processing” (if Studio Lodi wishes to archive a demonstration copy of the Customer’s documentation, for reasons related to the assignment or other utility, such documentation is made anonymous in the contents so that there is no processing of “personal data”). There is no transfer or dissemination of data except by virtue of legal obligation. - For further details we provide the information (in PDF) for “customers and suppliers“.
- For the privacy policy of WordPress (platform hosting this website) click here.